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Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life

Conway’s game of life was one of those computer things that I discovered early in my youth. That weird mathematical structure that created, destroyed, consumed and stabilized. The prototype fractal. On and off for years I would revisit it. I had recently seen a great youtube video which I shared with my kids. As we watched through the video, Conway’s Game came up and we got talking about it. They thought it was too much to code. So the next morning I got them up early and we started the project. After a few hours we had a working grid and a display system. After some hard learned lessons on shallow array copies we figured it out and had a working game in under 150 lines of code.

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I code there for I am. Follow me and my boys projects on Github. We do some cool stuff and a lot of learning exercises so we can get better. Games, interesting ideas, stupid stuff. You know, why you got into coding too.

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Lead developer across multiple work groups. In my role I lead programming projects for internal application development and marketing.

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Father of 2 boys, friend to many, scooter rider, craft beer advocate, soccer fan and Star Wars super nerd. Pride myself on being a tinkerer of all things electronic and code.

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Studying chef, father of 2 boys and one cat, world traveler and past-life professional photographer.

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